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Cadaver Organ Recipient Requirements

1. Fill up the necessary forms (available at the H.O.P.E. office).

2. Submit the following: 

  1. 1 piece 2 x 2" ID picture
  2. Referral letter from your attending physician.  In the case of service or charity patients of NKTI, an approval letter from the Medical Social Service Department (MSSD) is also necessary.
  3. Clinical Abstract and recipient checklist.
  4. Hepatitis Profile results within the past 6 months.
  5. Complete A, B, C, DR typing or Tissue Typing. This test is done from Mondays to Thursdays by appointment and schedule c/o the Tissue Typing Laboratory.
  6. 10 cc of Clotted Blood Sample for tissue cross-matching.   The patient must pay PHP 85.00 for monthly storage.  Submission of blood samples must be done on a regular basis as the specimen expires within a month of storage.   Patients who have received a blood transfusion should submit their serum sample two weeks after the transfusion or before their hemodialysis session.  A deposit of PHP 2,500 will cover one (1) tissue crossmatching test which is done only when the potential cadaver donor's blood type and tissue type matches that of the enrollee.
          Patients shall be notified accordingly for additional deposit if required.
          An official receipt will serve as proof of payment.
          The deposit can be refunded if the patient wishes to withdraw from the cadaver pool, and the amount has not been consumed for a previous cross-matching test.  A certificate of withdrawal from the cadaver pool can be secured from H.O.P.E.  Submit the original official receipt to the Tissue Typing laboratory before the papers can be processed.  In case the OR is lost, an Affidavit of Loss must be executed.
           If the patient cannot personally claim the refund, an Authorization Letter is required.
           In the event of the death of the enrollee, the deposit can be refunded by the immediate relative (spouse, offspring, either parent or any sibling) or a representative.  To facilitate the processing of papers, the following must be secured:
    1. Certificate of Withrawal from H.O.P.E.
    2. Death Certificate of the enrollee.
    3. Official receipt (OR) of the deposit
    4. Name/Residence Certificate/Valid I.D.
  7. Patient and relatives are advised to attend the Transplant Support Team Seminar (TST Seminar), a pre-transplant seminar held every first and third Wednesday of each month, 8:30 am to 11:00 am at the Out-Patient Department lecture room (OPD), Annex Building.
  8. Update H.O.P.E. Transplant Coordinators on:
    1. Patient's present medical status (confinements, surgical procedures done, complications or even death)
    2. Date of monthly submission of blood sample to the tissue typing laboratory.
    3. Change of address and telephone numbers.
  9. BE ALERT FOR ANY CALL from a H.O.P.E. Transplant Coordinator, any time of the day!  Be prepared emotionally and financially for this event.   Proceed to NKTI, H.O.P.E. office (3/F Main Building) for immediate physical examination.
  10. Failure to comply with any of the requirements would mean deletion from the cadaver recipient pool without any prior notice.


       If you are on the waiting list for a cadaveric kidney, the telephone becomes very important.  A member of your transplant team (H.O.P.E. Transplant Coordinator) will call you as soon as a kidney becomes available.  The call may come anytime, DAY or NIGHT!

       Be sure that your transplant team has all telephone numbers at which you can be reached: Work, School, the homes of relatives and friends.  If you are using a pager, them carry them at all times.  If you leave for vacation, be certain that the transplant team knows how to reach you.

       When you receive the call from your transplant team, you must go to the transplant center (NKTI) immediately.  Do not eat or drink anything after that important phone call.

       It is best to prepare mentally and emotionally for the phone call long before it is expected. Discuss well in advance with members of your family how you expect them to help when the call comes, how you intend to get to the hospital, who should be informed, and what you need with you when you leave for the hospital. Have it written down in preparation, otherwise, you may find that things become chaotic and unsettling in the last minute rush.

       The transplantation process requires total commitment from you every step of the way. It is important that you understand the advantages and complications of transplantation. Discuss with your transplant team any concerns that you have. Make sure you understand the implications of all your test results. And again, please remember that if you are waiting for a cadaveric kidney, your transplant team must know where you can always be reached. Have an action plan ready for yourself and family.    


Copyright © 1999, Human Organ Preservation Effort, Philippines
All Rights Reserved

Incept Date: January 10, 1997      Updated:August 14, 1999